Clen 40
Clen 40
Clenbuterol Tabl. 40 μg | 50 Tabl.
Clen 40 is a bronchodilator originally made for treating asthma but has become a stable among athletes. It is very commonly also used as a fat burner. Clenbuterol stimulates the body’s Beta-2 receptors which increases total metabolic activity and body heat, resulting in burning excess fat. Clenbuterol has a slight positive effect on the protein synthesis and thus exhibits a very mild anabolic and also anti-catabolic effects. While these effects are very small, users agree that it does aid in obtaining some new muscle growth, while getting a visibly leaner physique. Clenbuterol also increases muscle power and is widely used in sports where explosive power is needed. Since the body adapts rather quickly to clenbuterol, it is not recommended to use over longer periods.