
Primo 100

Methenolone Enanthate Inj. 100 mg | 5 x 1ml Ampoules

Primo100, Magnum’s version of one of the world’s most sought after anabolic steroids. Only positive things can be said about Primo100 and its popularity is greatly justified by its unique characteristics. It cannot aromatize to estrogen, there is no water retention or other harsh side effects. The result is a lean and hard look. It will burn fat while preventing loss of muscle mass during a diet, it will keep the body in an anabolic state with a greatly elevated nitrogen balance and has also shown to be a great immune enhancer. Studies and research is clear on this drug, and there just isnt any toxicity to the liver and kidneys which makes it very safe to use and even over very long periods. Because Primo100 is a slow-released, long-acting steroid, it will produce very steady, lean quality muscle gains that can almost be considered permanent. It is widely recommended to be used for a minimum of 12-16 weeks and often in a combo with Oxandro which is considered the safest steroid cycle there is.