
Test-C 300

Testosterone Cypionate Inj. 300 mg | 10 x 1 ml Ampoules

Test C300 contains, like Test E300, a slow-released, long-acting ester which makes it as easy to administer.

The 2 esters are very similar and results are basically the same. Cypionate started back in the day as the American counterpart to the European enanthate. Because of testosterone being exactly the same as our own male sex hormone, testosterone in any form is the absolute king of steroids. With the ability to produce impressive strength and muscle gains, it should be considered the base of any steroid cycle. Testosterone can be used for any bodybuilding goal whether it is a quest for building muscle mass or getting lean and hard. Even though testosterone’s effect is dose dependent, it is just as well well suited for beginners who will see great results at the lower end of popular dosages, even at only 250mg per week. Test C300 and Test E300 are so similar in effect and while some feel there is a little more initial kick in the cypionate, while also it retains a bit more water, the end result will likely be the same. Like all other testosterones, Test C300 can be taken in combo with just about any other steroid no matter the goal.