
Nandro-Plex 300

Nandrolone Compound Inj. 300 mg | 10 x 1 ml Ampoules

Nandro-Plex 300 is an equal mix of the very slow ester decanoate and the fast ester phenylpropionate (PP).

In this dual-ester compound, users get the best of both ends of the scale. There is a fast release and effect so uers will not have to wait long to see results, combined with the slow and time-proven buildup of muscle over a prolonged period. Nandrolone is highly anabolic and has a very low rate of aromatization and due to its increased nitrogen retention it will result in very steady and solid quality muscle gains.  Nandrolone has only a small impact on the liver which makes it a very safe drug to use for very long periods. This characteristic has made it one of the all-time favorite steroids for mass building. Nandrolone yields best results when used for longer periods. Water retention is a hallmark of nandrolone but this has a very alleviating lubricating effect on joint health. Nandro-plex is considered to always be used in combo with a slow testosterone to counter its libido-diminishing effect. The results of the famous combo of nandrolone, testosterone and Dbol is without doubt one of the most effective.